Tea Pot Before & After
Most would think that this valuable piece was ruined....But we saved it!
When a fire emergency strikes, the damage can often feel overwhelming. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can help ease the worry and confusion during the recovery process by offering our Contents Claim
Inventory Service (CCIS), which provides a detailed and accurate list of your belongings. They take a room-by-room inventory of your contents, including digital photos, and in some instances, bar coding.
If your home requires extensive restoration or cleaning due to fire damage, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can conduct an organized, efficient move-out of the affected area.
A move-out has several benefits, including:
A quicker remodeling process
Protecting items from potential damage
Protecting contents from further on-site damage
When restoration is completed, they will work with you to coordinate the move-in according to your needs.